Water Charity

Normally we donate 50p from every hat sale to our Water Charity in Brazil.. This year we have decided to give 50% of our years donations to the Disasters Emergency Committee.- We hope our customers understand this is a a Non political gesture from us x
As a company we want to put back into rural communities and the less fortunate in the world, I was born in the Brazilian Amazonian Rainforest and coming from that background I have a good in depth knowledge of what local people in remote villages lack and are in need of.
With all of this in mind we started to think how we could help, water is so important, in most remote and not so remote villages in the Amazon people are still drinking water from rivers and wells, both of which are subject to contamination.
So we decided to set aside 50p from every hat sale we make and put it into a charity so we could save and start to formulate a plan to start helping people that really need help.
The Charity we hold our funds in was originally set up my Mr John Margason , it now has 2 other trustees Mrs Isabel Margason and Mr Charlie Abbott
John initially set up this charity in 1990 , from the initial set up this charity has funded numerous projects some of which are listed below
School in a Favella in Fortaleza NE Brazil

Project that help a local business making solar ovens so the need for expensive gas is eliminated and the Sun which Brazil has plenty of is used to the full.

A small housing block for 10 children
An ongoing commitment to assist a local Padre Eduardo who feeds 200 children each day !
The Padre also educates about 200 people for VERY little money but gets the money from Londonderry but was worried that it might dry up. He is 76 years old and John told him not to worry in his lifetime as the charity would guarantee money.
John and Isabel have continued funding projects even though they has been retired for many years and really deserve this mention for their contributions that would otherwise go unmentioned.
Amazonas Tarphat are saving for a boring rig and supplies so villages/ communities along the rivers can sink their own bore holes giving them access to much needed fresh water that we in our world take for granted and waste without thinking.
So with your custom and our continued success you can have a warm feeling that you have helped others by purchasing a recycled product from us.

A Big Thank you from us ....Ana & Charlie Aranha Abbott (Founders of Amazonas Tarphat)